Emergency Survival Uses for Honey

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Surprisingly, many of the conditions that honey is used to treat are far more serious than the simple sore throat.

survival uses in philippine with honey

Mix honey with freshly squeezed lemon juice till they’re well blended. Drink the mixture and your sore throat ought to be fully gone, or a minimum of reduced. 
If your sore throat isn’t completely gone, merely drink a lot of of the mixture and provides it time.

Heals Wounds

Honey breaks down glucose sugars and makes hydrogen peroxide, which enables it to combat infections.

Simply spread liquid honey over the wound and cover it with a dressing. Occasionally add more honey until the wound is healed.

Treats Burns

if you don’t have a proper burn cream, you can use honey as a substitute, which has many of the same benefits of aloe vera or a soothing agent.

Boosts Immune System

Honey contains “phytonutrients” that have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. consume honey regularly to help prevent disease, or you can consume it to fight off current infections

Sugar Substitute

For every one cup of sugar a recipe calls for, replace it with ¾ cup of honey.

Food Preservative

Just like sugar may be used as a preservative, honey may be used as a preservative as well. Food preserved with honey has a tendency to stay fresh longer.
It works as a preservative because the high concentration of sugar in honey forces the water out of any yeast or bacteria cells that could otherwise contaminate the food

Kills Parasites

Although not proven to kill parasites, it is still worth a try in a survival situation.
Combine honey, vinegar, and water in equal amounts and mix them together. Drinking this mixture will supposedly kill the parasites in your body.

Soothes Upset Stomachs

Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey to one cup of warm water. Mix them together and drink. Your stomach ache should be gone shortly. This same remedy can also be used to relieve the pain of heartburn.
