Emergency Survival Uses for Paper Clips

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A paper clip (or sometimes paperclip) is a device used to hold sheets of paper together, usually made of steel wire bent to a looped shape (though some are covered in plastic)

Here are some of the uses for paper clips in a survival situation

  • Splint

used as a splint for your finger or toe. Use the paper clip by Placing it securely against a potentially broken finger or toe and wrap around it with gauze or tape allowing it to heal

  • Dart Needle

used as a weapon in a blow dart needle for self defense weapon. Straighten several of them out and sharpen one end of each one by rubbing it on a rock or any hard surface. Now use a piece of tube, place the makeshift dart in one end and you’ve got yourself a blow dart gun.

  • Pick Locks

being able to open up locks is another use for paper clips. although lock picking requires a lot of practice. You can use 2 pieces of paper clips to make a lock pick tool.

  • Toothpick

Straighten out a paper clip and you have the next best thing to a tooth pick. 
